Friday, August 22, 2014


What are your talents? What interests you? Why does that interest you? Are you after it for the sake to impress, or to express?

Despite the fact that I have very limited time to do whatever I feel like doing, such as blogging, these questions are just random thoughts that came into my head just a few seconds ago.

You see, I feel that I am a really artistic person. Its not about whether my drawings are appealing, or my poetry's attractive, but its about how I express myself.

During Nutritional & Food Science lesson, I have this classmate of mine, Ernest. He was asked to define the word, "interesting".

He simply answered in a frustrated manner, "It is what attracts you." If I remembered correctly, hopefully.

Expressing myself are one of the ways on how do I be true to myself. I knew that I could be whoever I want to be.
I think I knew what I wanted, what I was passionate for, what I was sort of, lusting to.

Art. It is something that I am usually very passionate with, ever since childhood, till this very day & I am still very obsessed with it.

For many years, I value art. Not only am I able to express myself, but it boosts my self-confidence, especially when people would come to me & tell me how much they actually appreciate it.

Here is one of the pictures that in all honesty, I am truly obsessed with it. Although it is upsetting how I do not know my limits yet, but sometimes it just feels that maybe, I am just after perfection.

Regardless of it all, I will always value my passion for art, even if it becomes an obsession. As long as it benefits me in certain ways, it will always be what I am always after.

It may seems like as if I am after perfection, but all this while, I was only after any work of art that interests me.

Something, which simply captures my attention & captivate me.

Well, at least, that is how I view & feel about myself & my obsession itself towards it.